You can purchase lacrosse equipment at various stores around Helena, online or reach out to other players who might have items they have outgrown. You can also rent any equipment at Play It Again Sports. Rental cost is 50% of the cost of the item. They have both new and used equipment to choose from and the 50% rental applies to both. You also have the option to purchase the equipment for the remaining 50% at the end of the season.
Play It Again Sports
3215 Dredget Dr., Suite D
Equipment for Boys:
The Crosse:
The crosse (lacrosse stick) is made of wood, laminated wood or synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. The crosse must be an overall length of 40 - 42 inches for attackmen and midfielders, or 52 - 72 inches for defensemen. The head of the crosse must be 6.5 - 10 inches wide, except a goalie's crosse which may be 10 - 12 inches wide. The pocket of a crosse shall be deemed illegal if the top surface of a lacrosse ball, when placed in the head of the crosse, is below the bottom edge of the side wall.
The Ball:
The ball must be made of solid rubber and can be white, yellow or orange. The ball is 7.75 - 8 inches in circumference and 5 - 5.25 ounces. All lacrosse balls must meet NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) standards and include the words "Meets NOCSAE Standard".
The Helmet:
A protective helmet, equipped with face mask, chin pad and a cupped four point chin strap fastened to all four hookups, must be worn by all players. All helmets and face masks must be NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) approved. HLC has approved only WHITE helmets to be worn at all age levels.
The Mouthpiece:
The mouthpiece must be a highly visible color and is mandatory.
The Glove:
All players are required to wear protective gloves. The cutting or altering of gloves is prohibited.
Other Protective Equipment:
All players, with the exception of the goalkeeper, must wear shoulder pads. Arm/Elbow pads are required and rib pads are strongly recommended, and often required, as are athletic supporters and protective cups for all players.
The goalkeeper is required to wear a throat protector and chest protector, in addition to a helmet, mouthpiece, gloves and a protective cup.
The Uniform:
Equipment for Girls' and Women's Lacrosse
The Crosse:
The crosse (lacrosse stick) is made of wood, laminated wood, or synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. A girl's crosse must be an overall length of 35.5 - 43.25 inches. The head of the crosse must be seven to nine inches wide. The pocket of the stick must be strung traditionally; no mesh is allowed. The top of the ball when dropped in the pocket must remain above the side walls.* The goalkeeper¹s crosse may be 35.5- 48 inches long. The head of the crosse may be mesh and up to 12 inches wide.
* Modified Pocket allowed in girls youth rules
The Ball:
The game ball must be yellow and made of solid rubber, smooth without dimples for games and must be visible color, other than clear or white. The ball must be 7.75 - 8 inches in circumference and weigh 5 - 5.25 ounces. All lacrosse balls must meet NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) standards and include the words "Meets NOCSAE Standard".
The Mouthpiece:
All players must wear mouth guards.
Protective Equipment:
All field players must properly wear EYE (goggle) protection that meets ASTM standard F3077 for women's adult/ youth lacrosse for the appropriate level of play. Close-fitting gloves, nose guards and headgear that meets ASTM standard F3137 are optional and may be worn by all players.
The Uniform:
The Goalkeeper's Equipment:
The goalkeeper must wear a helmet with face mask (NOCSAE approved), separate throat protector, padded gloves, mouth piece, and chest protector. The goalkeeper may wear padding on arms, legs, and shoulders which does not excessively increase the size of those body parts. High school level and below must wear padding on thighs and shins. Youth level must wear some form of abdominal and pelvic protection.
Goalies are required to wear padded gloves. (Link will take you to the UL Lacrosse website for ASTM standards and other rules)
All Helena Lacrosse Club boys players are required to provide and wear shoulder pads designed for lacrosse and meet NOCSAE standard ND200. Coaches must verify equipment compliance to NOCSAE standard ND200 before allowing a player to participate in any club activities. Players must supply their own equipment (see note below regarding goalie equipment).
How to check if your equipment is in compliance with the new Standard:
All products that meet the NOCSAE standard ND200 include the NOCSAE Lacrosse label shown here. If your current equipment does not include the label in the link, the equipment will not be allowed to be used.
Compliance Requirements:
There will be no exceptions granted for non-compliant shoulder pads. The Helena Lacrosse Club has already received a message from our insurance carrier requiring this condition to be in compliance with policy coverages.
Goalie Chest Protection:
Due to the specialized nature of the goalie equipment, the Helena Lacrosse Club provides a chest protector for goalies. The club provided the gear in 2021 per the below scheduled rollout of the rule change.
Additional information:
Use this link for additional information
Lacrosse Chest Protector FAQ | USA Lacrosse
In Fall 2019, the US Lacrosse Board of Directors approved equipment-related rule changes designed to enhance heart protection for athletes, specifically to reduce the risk of a rare injury called commotio cordis. Beginning in January 2021, US Lacrosse boys’ and girls’ field lacrosse rules required that all goalie chest protectors must meet the NOCSAE performance standard ND200 in order to be deemed legal for play. As of January 2022, all field players in boys lacrosse must wear protection for commotio cordis that also meets the same NOCSAE performance standard and contain an SEI certification mark.
Please direct any questions to the HYLA Board -